We are a one-stop shop, where we can help you find your next career move.
At Construct Recruitment we understand people’s needs and aspirations. We know that trust and integrity are absolutely paramount in the relationship between recruitment consultant and jobseeker. We are extremely professional in our approach. We offer advice on formulating a cv, interview tips, interview feedback, help on job offers and counter-offers as well as an informed opinion on current market conditions and client information. Unlike many agencies we carry out what you want us to do not what we want you to do.
We have exceptional and meaningful relationships with our candidates and offer consistent career advice throughout the process. For many people, finding a new career position is a journey into the unknown. This journey is made so much smoother by recruitment that is fast, easy and efficient.
We are on preferred supplier lists with many of the leading companies as well as those smaller companies that are off radar to most.
We are a one-stop shop, where we can help you find your next career move and improve the quality of your life!