These terms and conditions of business are between “Construct Recruitment” and the Employer (hereinafter called the client).
The said Terms of Business will constitute the only contract between
Construct Recruitment and the Client.
Construct Recruitment is in the business of providing Candidates to Clients in all sectors for permanent appointment with them.
Construct Recruitment will introduce Candidates to the Client for appointment by the Client.
An introduction of a Candidate shall be deemed to have taken place when Construct Recruitment provides to the Client any information relating to a Candidate including the submittal of a cv either posted or emailed to the client.
This Agreement comes into effect upon an introduction taking place.
The said Terms of Agreement will constitute the only contract between Construct Recruitment and the Client
The client must agree that notice to Construct Recruitment must be given immediately an engagement is accepted.
An introduction is strictly confidential. If the Client passes on the details of a candidate to a third party that results in an appointment by the third party, the Client shall pay “Construct Recruitment” a fee of 15% of the anticipated first year’s remuneration of the Candidate. A third party includes, but not exhaustively, any associated company, subsidiary or other company with which the Client is connected.
The Client must agree that invoices are paid within 14 days of commencement of employment.
This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with English
Law and the English Courts should have exclusive jurisdiction.
Company Fees
The fee payable to Construct Recruitment by the client for the introduction of the candidate will be 15% + VAT of the candidate’s basic salary on his or her first day of commencement. There will be no charge on any taxable emoluments, bonuses or benefits including car or car allowance.
The engagement use or introduction of the candidate by the client up to twelve months after the initial introduction that has been made by “Construct Recruitment” will render the client liable to an introduction fee as calculated by our scale of fees.
An appointment takes place whether a Candidate is engaged on a temporary basis or employed on a permanent basis.
Should the relevant employment terminate before the expiry of ten weeks then the client will be rebated accordingly.
During or at the end of:-
Weeks 1 and 2 100%
Weeks 3 and 4 75%
Weeks 5 and 6 50%
Weeks 7 and 8 30%
Weeks 9 and 10 10%
Rebates will only be given if the fee to the company has been paid within 14 days of the date of the invoice.
No rebate will be given if the candidate has been made redundant by the client.
The company will do everything to ensure the suitability of any candidate introduced to the client but it is the Clients responsibility to make any final decision on the suitability of any applicant and to take up any references given to the client by either the company or the candidate.
The client is responsible for obtaining any work or other permits that are required or for any arrangements for medical examinations or for checking any medical history and satisfy any other requirement or qualifications which are required by law.
“Construct Recruitment will not be liable under any circumstances for any expense, loss or damage incurred by the client for any candidates that have been offered employment by the client.
We will refer all candidates without regard to race, colour, national or ethnic origin, sex, physical handicap or medical condition.